My [Current] Favorite Organizing Product Is…
Question from no one, "Laura, is the divided lazy susan your favorite organizing product ever?" Well, yes! And no. Like so many things in life, there is a time and a place for such greatness. When used in particular areas, these gems are life changing. When used how so many of the online pictures suggest, they can be quite frustrating.
Medicine Cabinet
Small bottles and boxes of cure-alls fit in each compartment quite well. For smaller tubes of lotions/ointments, put them in a skinny cup within the compartment. You know, we don’t want anyone getting lost in the mix.
Lotions and Potions
Quite possibly my favorite use for this device. The high sides keep the high bottles from tipping (which means no slippage to the bottom). The spinning makes it easy to see how much you have and what you need, keeping you from overbuying expensive sunscreen or letting that wrinkles-be-gone lotion go to waste.
Under the Sink
Use one compartment for razors, another for nail polish, another for hair products. Keep this near the front of the cabinet for easy access, storing lesser used items in a bin behind.
Oils and Vinegars
Keep in mind, you have to lift the bottles up and out to clear the high sides of the divided lazy susan. Many upper kitchen cabinets won’t have the space needed. Try the OG instead.
Markers and Crayons
While beautiful when all crayons are in formation and a ROYGBIV lineup, the reality is this is super hard (emphasis on super) to maintain. Slipping in every direction, ultimately ending up on their sides, the crayons/markers become hard to reach and your Pinterest worthy solution becomes obsolete. Try crayons in a box instead.